Deep in the Arabian desert stands a mountain with a scorched peak, a huge rock split from top to bottom, and an altar engraved with images of cattle. Surrounding it is an grove of acacia trees and boundary markers. Not far, an underwater land bridge stretches from the tip of the Sinai peninsula to the shore of Saudi Arabia. This, many believe, is the real Mount Sinai.
The perils Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams endured to smuggle themselves, pictures and videos in and out of Saudi Arabia are recorded in this book. Many people, not just them, have put themselves at great risk to expose the real Mount Sinai to the world. Even though there are several teams and families who have made the same adventure, I invite you to read this particular account because it is the one I've grown to love.
Even if you're not an avid reader, you will love this book. If you're stubborn and refuse to read it, at least watch the movie. The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai Remember, if you do want to buy it, I will make a small commission if you make the purchase through clicking on one of the links on my site.
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