Friday, April 29, 2011

Be Flexible!

Recently I communicated with my boss about coming back to work at Chick-Fil-A once again.  I am blessed to have a summer job that I can depend on with desirable hours.  My boss briefly mentioned that the more flexible I am, the more hours he can give me.  No asking for weekends off, a certain number of hours per week, or a $5 raise.  Once you think about it, the work place isn't the only time this holds true.

God asks each of us to serve Him with our lives.  For some, this means surrendering to the mission field thousands of miles away from home.  For others, it could be to raise children to be faithful to the things of God.  He calls us to service of varying degrees, but we are all asked to do something.  

But there is something standing in the way of God using us as vastly as He desires.  It's the only thing that you can give to Him that isn't His already: your will.  Surrendering this to God makes us totally open to whatever He wants for us, whether it be what we always dreamed of doing or something even better.  How flexible are you for the Lord?

I've caught myself thinking things like:
  • I'd love to go to ________ as a missionary, but never _________!
  • I can't miss work to be a camp counselor... doesn't God know I have a school bill to pay?
  • If I served God in ________ I would never see my family!
  • I sure hope God doesn't ask me to _________.
Know what I mean?  We have the tendency to put conditions on everything we do, and unfortunately this affects how we think of God and His will for us.  The simple statement my boss made rings true in our spiritual lives: the more flexible you are, the more God can use you!

The vice president of Heartland Baptist Bible College often says to the students, "God wants to use you more than you could ever imagine."  I can imagine a lot, but I know it's true.  However, if you put limits, conditions and lists on what you'll let God do with you, He will never be able to use you to the fullest.  Don't limit God... just be flexible, and He will take you on the greatest adventure of your life.

How much is God using you now?  Are you living the life you've always dreamed of?  I am!  By God's grace, I have learned that the smack-dab-center of God's will is where I find fulfillment in life.  I promise you, as soon as you let go of your will, God will start to do something incredible.  He will give you "plenty of hours" in His service!


  1. just found you after blog hopping and am really glad I did. YOu have some great posts with reminders about faith that I needed just at the time I read DIVINE!
    Kristen (your new follower)

  2. Amen!

    Blessed is he who is flexible,
    for he will not break.

    Happy Mother's Day :-)

  3. Thank you both for your kind words! =)

  4. Good post, lady! Found you on the True Femininity blogroll. I love the purpose of your blog - to stur up contentment. So many young women can totally relate with that! Keep it up!

  5. Upon further exploration of your blog, I just want to say I love your heart! I was really interested when you said that growing up you've desired to reach out to teen youth, then as you've grown up, you've broadened that to young women in general. That's been my experience as well. I can relate in many ways to your relationship story, altho my relationship story ended very differently than yours, which Lord willing, will continue into a life-long story of God's glory. Blessings on your relationshp with Tim! But many of your feelings of contentment in a situation that is not ideal is definitely something that I, as well as probably MOST young woman (married or single) can relate with totally. I look forward to reading more of your blog, it's exciting to find someone who shares the same heart's bruden. Grace and peace! Kellie (

  6. (Third time's a charm...) And Created to be His Helpmeet is SUCH a phenominal book!! Have you read Feminie Appeal or Creative Counterpart? Also VERY recommended, if you want valuable information on marriage.

  7. Kellie,
    Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm excited to find a kindred spirit in you through the world of blogs! To answer you question concerning the books, I have not heard of them, but I will definitely look into them. I will also be paying a visit to your blog very soon. =)


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