I discovered this just today and even though I'm not even a mom yet it brought tears to my eyes. I hope no heart is too hard that will not be touched by this repeatedly true story:
September 19:
Today my life began. My parents do not know it yet, but it is I already. And I am to be a girl. I shall have blond hair and blue eyes. Just about everything is settled though, even the fact that I shall love flowers.
October 3:
Some say that I am not a real person yet, that only my mother exists. But I am a real person, just as a small crumb of bread is yet truly bread. My mother is. And I am.
October 7:
My mouth is just beginning to open now. Just think, in a year or so I shall be laughing and later talking. I know what my first word will be: MAMA.
October 9:
My heart began to beat today all by itself. From now on it shall gently beat for the rest of my life without ever stopping to rest! And after many years it will tire. It will stop, and then I shall die.
October 17:
I am growing a bit every day. My arms and legs are beginning to take shape. But I have to wait a long time yet before those little legs will raise me to my mother's arms, before those little arms will be able to gather flowers and embrace my father.
October 27:
Tiny fingers are beginning to form on my hands. Funny how small they are! I'll be able to stroke my mother's hair with them.
November 4:
It wasn't until today that the doctor told mom that I am living here under her heart. Oh, how happy she must be! Are you happy, mom?
November 9:
My mom and dad are probably thinking about a name for me. But they don't even know that I am a little girl. I want to be called Kathy. I am getting so big already.
November 24:
My hair is growing. It is smooth and bright and shiny. I wonder what kind of hair mom has?
November 27:
I am just about able to see. It is dark around me. When mom brings me into the World it will be full of sunshine and flowers. But what I want more than anything is to see my mom. How do you look, mom!
December 8:
I wonder if mom hears the whispering of my heart? Some children come into the World a little sick. But my heart is strong and healthy. It beats so evenly: tup-tup, tup-tup. You'll have a healthy little daughter, mom!
December 12:
Today my mother killed me.
That really is heart touchingly sad but at the same time so true. Abortion does nothing but destroy the lives of millions of babies and mothers every year. I pray that many will come to know the truth of abortion and not be brainwashed by the money hungry corporations with vested interests such as Planned Parenthood. Have you seen 180movie.com yet?
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't seen the movie yet, but I would like to. I've heard nothing but good about it! I follow Ray Comfort on Twitter and he constantly tweets positive reviews on it, so I'm looking forward to watching it. =)